


Nouakchott Wastewater Master Plan (in association with Mott MacDonald, STUDI International and BET-GP). The objective of the study was the protection of public health and the environment by the construction of a sewage system for the capital city, Nouakchott, and the renovation of the existing system. The study considered possible technical alternatives and carried out economic and financial analyses. It also included the submission of proposals for restructuring SONELEC, the authority responsible for the project.


Yesilcay Water Project (in association with Jacobs-Gibb and Kuwait Consulting and Investment Company). This project was for the supply of water to Greater Istanbul. It had been under execution for nearly three years, when the financiers requested an updated Feasibility Report prior to extending additional funding. The report updated the feasibility of the project in the light of the actual progress of the implementation and the prices of the contracts.


Improvement of Water Supply and Sewerage System Planning for Priority Regions of Moldova (in association with Jacobs-Gibb and Kuwait Consulting and Investment Company). A pre-feasibility study for fifty prioritised rural locations leading to a feasibility study with detailed plans and an investment programme for three to five selected locations, together with recommendations for a future strategy for water and wastewater development.


Sarajevo Water and Wastewater Masterplan (in association with Jacobs-Gibb and Kuwait Consulting and Investment Company). The objective of the study was to examine the future water and wastewater requirements of the Sarajevo Cantons and to prepare a Master Plan. This included carrying out a review of the existing water and sanitation situation following the cessation of hostilities in 1997, carrying out water demand projections, and developing water resources to satisfy water demand for the year 2020 time horizon. In addition, the Master Plan proposed the extension and improvement of the water supply distribution systems and the rehabilitation and extension of the sewerage system as well as reviewing the institutional set-up and proposing restructuring for sustaining effective water and sanitation conditions.


Northern Regional Integrated Rural Development Project, Phase II (in association with Khatib and Alami, Lebanon). The objective of the study was to identify projects that increase agricultural productivity and farmers’ incomes and enhance the sustainability of natural resources in the four Governorates of Sana’a, Sa’adah, Hajjah and Amran. This is to be achieved by improving agricultural and extension services, the better management of water resources and manpower, improved irrigation and agricultural practices, the provision of safe drinking water to the rural population, and the construction of village water schemes. It will also involve developing the role of women, increasing work opportunities, ensuring easy access to micro-rural and agricultural credits, and improving the social services and conditions for rural women.

Wadi Hajr and Coastal Hadramout Districts Rural Development Project – II (in association with Khatib and Alami, Lebanon). The objective of the project was to increase the productivity of agriculture, animal husbandry, and apiculture in the areas concerned. This is to be achieved by improving the management of water resources, the introduction of modern irrigation systems, the provision of effective extension services, credit facilities, and veterinary services, together with the establishment of relevant training programmes and facilities, while placing special emphasis on women’s role in rural development. The project comprises the construction of eight small dams, with facilities for the artificial recharge of groundwater, modern irrigation systems, a demonstration farm, a nursery, and the construction of three veterinary centres and a laboratory. The project also includes technical support for strengthening the institutional set-up, developing human resources, and providing easily accessible credit facilities for the lower income groups.


Feasibility Study for the Rehabilitation of Irrigation and Drainage Networks in Djizakh and Syrdarya (as sub-consultants to Kuwait Consulting and Investment Company). The objectives of the project identified by the feasibility study were to increase the agricultural productivity of cotton and cereals, in particular, and fruit and vegetables, in general, in an agricultural area of about 210,060 ha in Djizakh Region and 222,200 ha in Syrdarya Region, which will assist in increasing per capita income and the living standard of the population in the project areas. These objectives are to be achieved by carrying out the rehabilitation, extension, and improvement of the agricultural support services. This includes strengthening the extension services, marketing operations, and credit facilities for the lower income groups, as well as improving the institutional set-up and the Water Users Associations.


Greater Cairo East Bank Effluent Study (in association with Montgomery Watson/Gibb, UK, the Kuwait Consulting and Investment Company and Ahmed Abdul Warith, Egypt). The objective of the study was the proper planning and action required for resolving the difficulties encountered as a result of the rapid increase in sewage collection on the East Bank of Cairo. The study aimed to ensure that the reuse of sewage effluent was carried out in accordance with realistic standards, and put forward proposals for the rapid execution of priority projects.


Rural Water Supply Projects for numerous villages in various regions of Tunisia. These projects included feasibility studies, detailed designs for the distribution networks, pumping stations, reservoirs, wells and the preparation of tender documents, as well as carrying out social awareness campaigns and establishing and strengthening Water Supply and Sanitation Associations (WASA) and Water Users Associations (WUA).
Water Conservation Strategy in the Tourist Sector Project. The objective was to reduce the consumption of potable water to 300 litres per room per day in the tourist areas on the Mediterranean coast. The project included auditing the internal water supply of 67 hotels, assessing the situation, and proposing different technical strategies for reducing the water consumption.